Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why do we do anything?

I know some people wonder why I'm writing this blog.  I can only attribute it to Pavlov and his dogs.

A while back I was a columnist for one of the local papers in our County of Alamance.  No restrictions on what I wrote, I just had to keep it clean and free of politics.  No problem there - I was writing during the Clinton Administration, I was able to avoid both simultaneously.

Whenever I had a dearth of ideas, I would go for a stroll around the driveway or out in the horse pasture.  I never left the property-for some reason, there were too many scary dogs. (BIG ONES- I have since learned it is the tiny ones that have the sharpest, quickest teeth.)

Within 5 minutes of walking, the stories would just emerge from  wherever they'd been hiding and I could knock the column out and get it in right under the deadline.

Over the past 14 months since we found out that Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis was going to be a part of our life, I've had a couple of people mention I should write about it. I had to wait until  I had something to share and  I didn't want to do write if it was just going to be a whiney, maudlin, Pat as posterboy sort of thing. 

Then, when I began my walking regimen about a month ago,   I started thinking about this ALS Rodeo and so there you are. I honestly don't think this is therapy for me. I'm not sure why I do it, but I think it has something to do with those dogs that salivate at the sound of a bell.  I walk, I write.

And, if this ever turns into a whiney, maudlin, Pat as posterboy sort of thing, then y'all have the right to grab your mouse and give me a great big ole cyber-slap in the kisser.