Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Not yet

We probably have more end of life discussions than your normal household.  We have to.  I want to be perfectly clear on Pat's desires because I don't want him mad at me for all eternity,  if I accidently send  him home before his time.  We know he has a fatal condition and so we are perfectly prepared for the worst, but there is always that small voice at the back of our heads that whispers, "not yet."

We've just been through about three weeks of intermittent illnesses of varying sorts, all of which could have easily gone way south at any time.  After the first bout, when we made it through the night and we discussed plans for the future, the determination was no midnight emergency room visits for us.  We have most of the equipment necessary to deal with Pat's issues and I don't want his last earthly situation to be alone in a room surrounded by the same technology we have here.  It may end up like that, but as far as we can control things, we say NO.

I think we're on the comeback trail with this last bit of sickness.  This has been a grueling time, very tiring, but spiked with fun and visits from family and friends.  The biggest birthday party in the world happened and we welcomed home our youngest daughter and her family from the far side of the world .  Our girls drop by and gag at the snot collected in the de-gunker, but they return the next day with their families.  The baby is crabby because he, too, is recovering from bronchitis and we all have survived that arctic cyclone, the polar vortex. (Of course I had to get that in there.)

There is so much loveliness in living. The sun is shining, it should warm up quite nicely for the rest of the week.  Is it any wonder, we both whisper, "not yet."

Happy Birthday STEPHEN HAWKING, 72 years old ALS patient who for over 40 years has digitally shouted "NOT YET!".