Monday, June 26, 2017

an other imposed zen sort of life

One of our children is very frustrated with me because whenever she asks me how I'm doing, I always say fine or I'm happy, because right then I am.  ALS is one of those diseases that forces us to  live in the now.

This morning, we had one of those lovely "ALS Moments" which had followed a similarly lovely "ALS weekend". And both involved the toilet.  At one point, I was with Pat while he was on the throne and I had to ask him, "Do you want me to call the girls?"   It was that bad.  But we got through it and now he's all good, and so I'M HAPPY.  Because now he's better and the nurse (who had been late) is here and everything is fine again. For now.

And to be honest, my main concern this morning was
Please, please...don't die on the toilet like Elvis....