Friday, September 27, 2013

Just do it

Isn't that the slogan for a shoe?  Nike?
Anyway, my workouts have worked out so far.  Most days after Pat is dressed and sitting in the carport eating his breakfast, I slather my feet with vicks, put on some socks and my tennis shoes, (which are really not called that anymore-they cost too much for that nomenclature) and head out the door for a  2 mile walk around the  neighborhood.  I know it is two miles or more because I use MAP MY RUN and there is a little electronic woman in my phone who periodically announces my time, distance and speed.  The first couple of times she mouthed off, I jumped in my stride. It was sort of spooky, but now I try to guess when's she's going to start talking and it makes the walk a little more of a puzzle, which is more fun than just a plain walk.  MAP MY RUN also sends me weekly emails telling me how wonderful I am.  No kidding, the subject line is "Your Greatness at a Glance."  I wonder what the subject line would be if I didn't walk at all that week due to illness or something else..."Your Big Fat Slugness at a Glance?"

The other thing I do on a regular basis, my non-walking days, is Pilates.  A big part of being a caretaker is lifting and if you've ever watched Nurse Jackie you know she's addicted to pain meds because of all that. To save your back, you have to have strong abs and Pilates is all about core workout.  I like the "Ease into Pilates" on Amazon Prime.  It's a good, all around 30 minute job and she doesn't have us do those damn "hundreds."

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