Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Raking leaves is not an activity for those with OCD.  I have other neuroses, non of which interfere with this pleasant autumn activity. My ADDism is perfectly suited for raking leaves and raising children.  Children's messes and noises rarely bothered me.  I was so easily distracted, I often forgot why they were upset and we would just go on to a new activity.

It was also good for our traveling days of following Pat's  ship.  I realized that if I had my passport, glasses and a credit card I was good to go.  A driver's license was handy, but not a necessity.  We had four children which helped too, it was a nice even number to keep track of. They soon learned to pack for themselves and I rarely cared what they wore as long as they were decent. Our youngest forgot to pack extra clothes for one trip and hence she wore the same thing for a week.  She was, I think, around 2. She has since learned to pack more than one set of undies and totes her own children around the world by herself with great aplomb.

This casualness which was so helpful to me with the kids, isn't so good now.   I find that I have to notice messes and have learned to pick up trash immediately, because there isn't anyone (Pat) coming behind to do it.  This has been one of the hardest lessons.

Pat is the clean freak in our relationship.  He told me one of his biggest fears when we learned about the ALS was that  his beard would get untidy because he wouldn't be able to trim it properly.  I have learned to do that and to also pick up all the bits of leaves that come in through the doors on windy fall days.

Pat is very good about not nagging me when I miss something on the floor, but I am getting better at keeping things straight. I think this marriage can be saved.

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